Universal Studios

What To Wear to Universal Studios in February

Universal Studios Florida

February might be one of the best months if you plan to visit Universal Studios.

It has one of the best weather. Its temperatures don’t go above 75 degrees and below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Moreover, it’s not as crowded as it would be in other months.

Needless to say, it offers all of the ideal conditions that you’ll need when visiting a theme park.

But of course, you should wear the right clothing and accessories during your visit.

While the weather can be nice, there can be some unexpected conditions as you go.

So to make your trip as comfortable as possible, here’s a list of the stuff you should wear when visiting Universal Studios in February.


February is the early start of the spring season. This means that you can typically expect pleasant weather.

Hence, you can pack as lightly as possible, taking with you the following stuff to wear:

  • Cotton shirts
  • Lightweight and breathable pants
  • Wide-brimmed hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Gloves and/or hand warmers
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Lightweight down jacket

Whether you’re a guy or a girl, you can never go wrong with a sweatshirt and shorts/leggings when you visit Universal Studios in February.

What To Wear During a February Visit to Universal Studios

You’d want to be as comfortable as possible when you visit Universal Studios in February.

Chances are high that your entire trip will remain sunny throughout, though it’s best to prepare for any rainy situation as well.

That said, here are the things that you are advised to wear during that month:

1. Cotton Shirts

Cotton Shirt

Universal Studios can be a bit hot and humid during February, so it helps if you wear shirts that are made of lightweight fabric.

Specifically, we’re talking about cotton shirts. Shirts made of linen are great alternatives.

Since you’ll be spending most of your time walking around, you need to make sure you wear comfortable clothing that’s lightweight, breathable, and comfortable.

As much as possible, pick shirts that allow complete freedom of movement. You don’t want to feel restricted when walking around theme parks or enjoying the various rides available.

You can also choose to wear shirts that match the theme of any special event you plan on attending.

For example, if you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Universal Studios with your partner, wearing cute and festive shirts can help make your vacation more magical.

2. Lightweight and Breathable Pants


For the bottoms, the best recommendation would be lightweight and breathable pants.

You can also go for activewear shorts with a quick-drying feature or bike shorts if you tend to experience chafing.

Alternatively, you can wear a pair of joggers to protect your skin from the sun, all while preventing heat from the inside.

Regardless, your bottom should be something lightweight and breathable. This way, you can remain cool and comfortable despite the warm weather.

It also helps to wear bottoms with pockets so you can store your essentials, such as your phone and wallet.

And just like the shirts, you can choose bottoms that match the theme of any special event you want to attend.

3. Wide-Brimmed Hat

Wide-Brimmed Hat

Again, it can be hot and sunny when you visit Universal Studios in February. This is especially true when it’s nearing the afternoon.

There’s the simple fact that it’s in a state that receives a lot of heat from the sun all year round (this applies to California and Florida).

For this reason, it helps to bring a wide-brimmed hat or cap to protect your head and face from the sun’s heat during your daily adventure in the park.

You can also use a visor if you prefer. If you have kids, buying them a Universal-themed hat or cap would be worth it.

And if you have long hair, you may also want to bring additional accessories like hair clips and hair ties.

4. Sunglasses

Three Stylish Sunglasses

You may also want to wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s blinding light.

While you can find many of them within the park, you would not want to spend a lot of money on those when you could have bought one prior for a much more affordable price.

5. Gloves and/or Hand Warmers

Touchscreen Gloves

This might sound silly, but any bit of extra protection helps. However, you might not want to wear them when walking around the park in sunny weather.

Instead, you’d want to wear them during nighttime when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Though this doesn’t happen often, having a pair of gloves and/or hand warmers can be a lifesaver in case such a situation occurs.

They can come in handy when you’re standing in line or attending nighttime events. You can even go for disposable hand warmers that you can buy from gas stations and grocery stores for a low price.

If you prefer gloves, wear lightweight ones that come with a touchscreen-compatible feature, so you can still use your smartphone properly.

6. Comfortable Walking Shoes

Rubber Shoes

An adventure in Universal Studios involves a lot of walking around from one attraction to another. As such, ensure your walking shoes are as comfortable as possible.

Unfortunately, many people tend to make the mistake of buying a new pair of shoes just a week before their trip.

You must avoid this, as it only leads to blisters and overall discomfort while walking. Instead, you need a pair of walking shoes that you are already used to.

Aside from walking shoes, you might also want to bring a pair of sandals to give your feet some room to breathe after wearing shoes the entire day.

We recommend bringing at least two pairs of walking shoes with you. This way, you can have a backup just in case the pair you’re wearing gets wet or uncomfortable after a few hours or days of use.

Don’t buy them inside the park, as they normally come at a premium price.

7. Lightweight Down Jacket

Lightweight Down Jacket

Lastly, bring a lightweight down jacket with you when you plan on visiting Universal Studios.

Although it’s not normally cold and chilly during February, there can be times you will need a jacket.

This is particularly true inside most indoor stores and restaurants, where they normally turn up the AC as high as possible to combat the outdoor heat.

Of course, you can take it off if you don’t need the extra layer, but it can be a lifesaver in certain chilly situations.


You won’t be disappointed if you visit Universal Studios in February.

The weather is often pleasant. There’s less crowd around. There are no long waiting lines. The rates are also sometimes lower.

As long as you wear light and comfy clothing, you’ll be able to enjoy the most out of your daily adventure.

So before you start packing, go through this list again and ensure that you have each of them included in your baggage.

Enjoy your upcoming vacation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Dress Code I Have To Be Aware Of?

Yes, there are guidelines that you have to pay attention to regarding the types of clothing you can wear at Universal Studios.

Unless there are religious or medical reasons, guests are not allowed to wear something that covers their faces. Clothing should also be appropriate for a family environment.

Moreover, visitors are not allowed to wear something that resembles the uniforms of the workers and emergency personnel.

Does It Rain in February in Either California or Florida?

February tends to have cooler temperatures but a bit warmer weather than the rest of the months.

On average, it’s one of the driest months of the year, so it will be rare to experience rain during this month.

If you visit Universal Studios in either of the two states during February, you shouldn’t worry too much about a rainy day.

But to be on the safe side, you can bring a raincoat or a poncho with you for the small chance of raining during your visit.

Can I Wear a Backpack at Universal Studios?

Of course. However, as part of their backpack policy, you won’t be able to take them with you on the rides for safety purposes.

If you bring a backpack and would like to enjoy a ride, you can store it temporarily inside their free lockers.

That said, you won’t be able to bring a suitcase or any bag with wheels.

Your backpack will also be subjected to inspection before you enter the park, and if it contains prohibited items, then you’ll have to leave them outside.

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