Walt Disney WorldAnimal Kingdom

How To Draw Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom 8

Drawing animals from the animal kingdom can be a fun and educational experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned artist, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to improve your skills and create lifelike animal drawings.


To draw animals from the animal kingdom, start by understanding their anatomy and using high-quality references. Break down the animal’s form into basic shapes to establish the structure and proportions. Then, add details and textures, and use shading and perspective to add depth and dimension. Avoid common mistakes like not using references and ignoring anatomy. Finally, practice regularly to improve your skills.

Understanding Animal Anatomy

Before you can start drawing animals, it’s crucial to understand their anatomy. Most animals, especially mammals, have similar body parts but with different proportions and locations. Therefore, studying animal anatomy is the first step towards creating accurate and realistic drawings. Books like “Animal Anatomy for Artists: The Elements of Form” by Eliot Goldfinger can be a great resource for this.

Using References

Referencing is an essential part of drawing. High-quality reference photos or videos can help you understand the animal’s anatomy, proportions, and details. Websites like Wildlife Reference Photos and Unsplash offer a variety of animal images that can be used as references.

Breaking Down Into Basic Shapes

Breaking down the animal’s form into basic shapes like circles, ovals, squares, rectangles, and triangles can simplify the drawing process. This technique helps you establish the basic structure and proportions of the animal before adding details.

Adding Details and Textures

Once you have the basic structure in place, start adding details like fur, scales, or feathers. Pay attention to the animal’s unique features and patterns. Use different shading techniques like hatching, cross-hatching, and blending to create a sense of depth and form.

Shading and Perspective

Shading and perspective are fundamental in adding depth and dimension to your animal drawings. Establish a light source in your drawing and use it as a guide for shading. Use overlapping shapes to create a sense of depth.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While drawing animals, beginners often make mistakes like not using references, rushing through the drawing, ignoring anatomy and proportions, not using a variety of values, and overworking the drawing. These mistakes can be avoided by taking your time, using references, studying animal anatomy, practicing shading, and being gentle with your pencil strokes.

Practice Regularly

Like any skill, drawing requires consistent practice to improve. Set aside time each day or week to practice drawing animals. Experiment with different techniques and mediums to find what works best for you.

In conclusion, drawing animals from the animal kingdom is a skill that takes time and patience to master. By understanding animal anatomy, using references, breaking down the animal form into basic shapes, adding details and textures, using shading and perspective, avoiding common mistakes, and practicing regularly, you can improve your animal drawing skills and create amazing artworks. Happy drawing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good books for learning animal drawing?

There are many books that can help you with animal drawing. Some of them include “The Art of Animal Drawing: Construction, Action Analysis, Caricature” by Ken Hultgren, “Drawing Animals Made Easy: Fast and Simple Steps to Drawing Animals” by John Davidson, and “Animal Drawing: Anatomy and Action for Artists” by Charles Knight.

Can I use any pencil for animal drawing?

Yes, you can use any pencil for animal drawing. However, a set of drawing pencils with different hardness levels can give you more control over the line quality and shading.

How long does it take to get good at drawing animals?

The time it takes to get good at drawing animals varies from person to person. It depends on factors like how often you practice, your previous drawing experience, and your ability to observe and replicate details. But with consistent practice, you should see improvement over time.

What is the importance of using references in animal drawing?

Using references in animal drawing is crucial as it helps you understand the animal’s anatomy, proportions, and details better. It allows you to create more accurate and realistic drawings.

What is hatching and cross-hatching in shading?

Hatching is a shading technique that involves drawing closely spaced parallel lines to create a sense of depth and form. Cross-hatching is similar, but involves drawing additional lines at an angle to the first set to create a denser, darker shading.

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